Looking for Highway 19 Vets - 1968-1969

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Looking for Highway 19 Vets - 1968-1969

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Feb 19, 2017 4:19 pm

I received a request from a writer who is authoring an article planned for publication this coming memorial day weekend. He had previously written a short piece about Wilber Breseman of "B" Company, who recently passed away. He asked me to post this note:

"William Baltz is a journalist writing an article about life member Wilber Breseman who passed away last year. William is writing a story about Wilber for the local paper in Three Rivers, Michigan, for Memorial Day. He would like to know more about what Wilber might have faced as a platoon Sergeant in Bravo Company operating in the Central Highlands, Highway 19 area between the An Khe and Mang Yang Passes in 1968-69. You may contact William at wabaltz@gmail.com and read articles he has written about veterans (including Wilber) on his web site at williambaltz.com."
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Looking for Highway 19 Vets - 1968-1969

Postby pcfrmr » Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:58 pm

Just FYI, I worked that area while in B 1 7 in '67 several months before I was infused to 1 50. We were securing for the dozers with rome plows pushing the jungle back after some ambushes on truck convoys that were late on their way back from Pleiku to AnKhe. Bob Wuestenberg
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