B-1st platoon-1st squad 1969

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B-1st platoon-1st squad 1969

Postby diazoscar » Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:30 pm

I am searching for anyone who served in Bravo company, first platoon, first squad in Sept. 1969/ March 1970. Five decades and age have taken their toll on my memory of names. I do recall Ramon Grayson, KIA 1970, and Dennis Merrietta who was wounded that same year. I would love to hear from my old brothers-in-arms.
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Re: B-1st platoon-1st squad 1969

Postby pchisam@gmail.com » Sat Jul 20, 2019 4:42 pm

I just saw the 50th anniversary (July 20, 1969) of the first moonwalk on TV, which reminded me of my first tour. I was in Ben Hoa airbase waiting to fly to Qui Nhon to join the 173rd when I heard about the moon landing.

It has been a long time but I do remember you. I think you were acting platoon sergeant most of my time as the platoon leader.

I joined B Company in July 1969. I was the XO until early September 1969 I took over as the 1st platoon. I was the platoon leader from September 1969 to early June 1970 when I was promoted. I was S-3 Air until July 1970.

Ramon "Red" Grayson was my driver until he was killed in May 1970 when his track hit a mine.

I don't have a lot of items from that tour. I do have a company roster from March 1, 1970, and you are on it.

My personal items were destroyed when my track was blown up and Red was killed. I was acting CO that day. We sent two tracks out to retrieve a squad that had been on an ambush. They were crossing a creek about 100 meters outside our company perimeter.

Sorry, I did not answer sooner but it has been a while since I signed on.

Phillip (Mike Chisam)
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