Looking for info on Steve Owen KIA 5/30/69 H 1/50th 173rd

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Looking for info on Steve Owen KIA 5/30/69 H 1/50th 173rd

Postby takeheart » Tue Jul 16, 2019 2:16 am

Searching for Steven Craig Owen aka Steve Owen for his Sister and friends from Long Beach Lakewood Ca. I served from May of '68 to July '69 with D trp 3/5 Cav 9th inf out of Dong Tam and am assisting friends for closure. Photos, comments (good guy, bad guy what ever) I know he was an FNG and the Company clerk, but any one knew Steve may have insight to what kind of person he was? P.S. Thank you for your service and Welcome Home Brothers and Sisters!
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Re: Looking for info on Steve Owen KIA 5/30/69 H 1/50th 173r

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Jul 25, 2019 12:27 am

I have previously been in touch with his mother...and sister. Contact me at kiss-ac@juno.com or 50thinfantryassociation@gmail.com

Jim Sheppard
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