William Velilla, KIA 16 Nov 1967, "D" Company

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William Velilla, KIA 16 Nov 1967, "D" Company

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:57 pm

Does anyone remember William Velilla, a PFC from "D" Company who was killed by a booby trp on November 16, 1967? He was a transfer from our "A" Company. His tour started on June 6th, so he was either with the advanced party...or a transfer from the Cav to "A" Company and then to "D" Company.

His nephew has contacted us & our Barbara is going to try to help him find his uncles mother or family. The nephew knows nothing of his uncle nor the whereabouts of that branch of the family.

ALSO: The Coffelt Group, who has been making that Database of KIAs into a very reliable sourse would like to have something to tip the scales which are leaning towards "D" Company for this man.
His name is on the "A" Company Roster in late October...and I know "D" was formed sometrime in the beginning of November...so he could have been the first "D" Company Casualty. We have an LBJ Library DA 2496 notification document that says "D" company and his Gravestone says "D" Company, but that Roster from October clearly says "A" Company. SO it's currently "2 to 1" & if any of you can say you remember this guy, it will clinch it.
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Jim Sheppard
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