John Smerdon

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John Smerdon

Postby bongson » Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:03 pm

John Smerdon-1st.Plt., A Co., SRAP; 5-'68 to 5-'69, passed away July 9th
I arrived in RVN in July '68, and John took me under his wing to show me what I needed to know, and what I needed to forget to survive. He continued doing this with every FNG for the next 10 months. We spent almost our entire tours together between 1st.Plt. and SRAP. Lotta night ambushes, buncha fights along QL 19. John never wavered. I can recall seeing his hand shaking after a couple incidents, but it was pedal to the metal when we went out the front gate of LZ Action. His squad was always tight. Good guy, good dependable soldier, good friend. He carried a picture of his sweetheart Linda. They married, and were still together when he passed. He had a heart transplant 26 years ago. I am so glad for the life extension it provided him.
While with the SRAP Plt. we were sent to run an ambush on a whitewater river way up in the Highlands. John and a couple guys climbed out on trees overhanging the bank to place their claymores in a position to cover a greater area of the river. While we were still setting up, two sanpans came upriver. A couple hours later they came right thru our ambush site. We opened up with hand grenades, a couple guys blew their claymores, then we used our personal weapons. At daybreak we arose and excitedly discussed the details of the previous nite. I asked John why he hadn't blown his claymore. He pointed up to the tree where it was located. The concussion from the initial volley of grenades had flipped it over, pointing it directly at us. He said he thought that the initial volley had taken care of the sanpans, and was saving it for any subsequent targets. Thanks John
Jack Noble
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