Looking for men KIA who trained with us.

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Looking for men KIA who trained with us.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:03 pm


I recently spent some time with a few Charlie Company men in Florida. Dick "Looper" Vanderloop informed me of a former Charlie Company man (who trained with us in Texas and was transferred before we deployed to Vietnam) KIA in Vietnam.

Whenever I learn of these men, I create a memorial page for them on our website. A few of these have already been inscribed on our memorial at Fort Benning. If you know of someone who was with us prior to Vietnam...and/or was Infused in Vietnam and subsequently KIA...please be in touch with me! Check our Memorial Pages first to be sure I have not already completed a memorial page for the man in question.

Looper informed me of the KIA of Tom Otte, who was with us in Charlie Company at Fort Hood and transferred to the 198th Infantry Brigade (Light) before we deployed to Vietnam. I am in the midst of gathering information on him and the circumstances of his death in combat. I found it interesting to learn his unit (The 1st Battalion, 52nd Infantry) also traveled to Vietnam on a troop ship...just a few weeks after us. I have some documentation on the way from various sources and should complete a new Memorial page by the end of February.

Assuming you all know how to contact me. If not, go to our "Contact Officers" page: https://www.ichiban1.org/html/contacts.htm
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Jim Sheppard
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