Jim Sheppard - Safe in Florida

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Jim Sheppard - Safe in Florida

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Sep 29, 2022 4:35 pm

For those of you who are not on social media...I wanted to post a quick note to let everyone know I am safe. As you may know, I live in Cape Coral, Florida and I chose to evacuate ahead of hurricane Ian...and I am glad I did. Luckily, my home, for the most part was undamaged. There were screens blown out on my rear lanai and an old ceiling fan on that lanai was destroyed (It was junk anyway!). My neighbors kept me informed via texts, photos and even a video. Power is still out, but I am returning home tomorrow from my safe haven in Tallahassee. There may be issues with my well water system and if the powers that be forecast a long period before power can be restored...I may travel north and stay with family.

Our archives stayed safely stored in my trailer inside of my garage. I will admit that I left in such haste that I forgot I could have taken the trailer with me! Since there was no water surge issues at my home, and since there was no roof damage, everything inside is safe.

I do have a propane generator and enough propane to use intermittently for close to a week. My gas grill also survived so I can use that to cook meals. I also keep about 10 gallons of bottled spring water on hand since my well water is not safe to drink...so I will have drinking water. Not having well water will mean I cannot bath or flush toilets...so I may have a problem with that and it may tip the scales toward leaving until power is restored.

Overall, I have dodged another bullet in my life and am humbled and grateful. I had planned to stay and "ride it out"...but had a "feeling" i should leave.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Jim Sheppard - Safe in Florida

Postby bbontemps » Thu Sep 29, 2022 8:39 pm

Jim, So glad you are safe and your home is intact. Watching the devastation is heartbreaking. Stay safe.
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Re: Jim Sheppard - Safe in Florida

Postby bongson » Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:05 am

Glad you are OK. Stay safe
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Re: Jim Sheppard - Safe in Florida

Postby tommcgover » Sun Oct 09, 2022 3:22 pm

Jim, nice call on leaving even if your property came through in relatively good shape. What a bad storm . I hope by the time you are reading this that your power has been restored. I have a fiend who also lives in Cape Coral ( also a vet ) named Andy Wolf who said he also escaped with little damage. Take Care and hope to see you next spring in GA.
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Re: Jim Sheppard - Safe in Florida

Postby rsarlin » Sat Nov 05, 2022 8:41 pm

Hi Jim,
So pleased to hear that you are safe from Ian.
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