Historian/Webmaster "On The Road Again"!

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Historian/Webmaster "On The Road Again"!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:21 pm

I will be in "Travel Mode" until June 23rd...leaving for Fort Benning in the early AM of Sunday, June 13th. Will stay in Charlotte Sunday night and arrive in Columbus on Monday afternoon.

Minor changes to the web site will be on "hold"...although I will have my Laptop with me for emergencies.

Looking forward to seeing Dick Guthrie, John Topper, Jay Copley & Toby Jordan at the Change of Command on Tuesday (Anyone else coming??). ALSO hoping to visit Hunter's Pub on Tuesday Night for Steak. I am taking along my new Sony Camcorder & may try to get a video of the ceremony for the web site. I've got a professional grade tripod & special wide angle lenses & can "roll tape" unattended for the festivities.

Will then travel, with some time to spare, to Chicago for my Step-Daughter's graduation from Northwestern U.

I am looking at a possible visit to St Louis along the way, but will contact Harry & Gary if/when this is firm. There's a KIA date that everyone has wrong & I want to dig up the Morning Report & "scout out" the records center for future research.
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Jim Sheppard
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