Buildings to be named - Note from Bob Ballard's sister.

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Buildings to be named - Note from Bob Ballard's sister.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:10 pm

Some of the men who were in attendance at the last reunion know that several buildings and some of the grounds in the new 50th infantry battalion complex will be named after some distinguished 50th Infantry Regiment members...past and present. Under consideration are: From our 50th Infantry Battalion Proper; Dennis Hinton, Drew Shipley, Frank Webb, Malcolm Dulac and Bob Ballard. Still living (Quite an honor) Jay Copley. From "E" Co, 50th Infantry (LRP) , 9th Infantry Division, Johnston Dunlop, winner of the DSC, Posthumously, and from WWII, Medal of Honor Winner Archer Gammon. I have been working with the Battalion's Captain Casey Donovan compiling information on these men's family and lives before Vietnam. Contact information on the surviving family members of all men has been supplied to CPT Donovan and I am beginning to get some feedback from some of these folks who have been contacted.

Tonight, I received this note from former "B" Company Platoon Leader and Executive Officer, Bob Ballard's sister, Cherryl Rose in which she asked me to share her thoughts with our membership.

"Hi Jim,

Thanks for the pictures. You will never know how much we appreciate all you have done to keep us informed about Bob's life in the army. He was so special to us and we want to know everything about that part of his life. Bob really never told us much about Viet Nam because our mother had undergone some very serious surgery and he didn't want her to worry. I guess that is why it was such a shock when the news of his death came.

It means so much to hear from anyone who was with him during that time. Please let everyone know that we really welcome hearing from them. It does bring back some sad memories but we also get such comfort knowing that he had a lot of good friends to confide in. Once again Thanks for all you do.

Cherryl Ballard Rose"
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Re: Buildings to be named - Note from Bob Ballard's sister.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:45 pm

I've been told Jay Copley's name was removed from consideration. It turns out a living person does not qualify to have buildings/grounds named after them.
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Re: Buildings to be named - Note from Bob Ballard's sister.

Postby RJ_Smith » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:24 pm

I think I recall hearing the same thing about stamps :/. Cartoon characters qualify, though.
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