Saying hello and paying respect

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Saying hello and paying respect

Postby 63C10 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:42 pm

I was in the 1/50 between Aug. '77 to Feb. '80. We were a mechanized infantry battalion of the 2nd. A.D. primarily stationed at Ft. Hood, TX. Deployed to Hohenfels, Germany for 6 months TDY, came back and later deployed again to Ft. Erwin, CA. a few months before the Iranian hostage crisis. I was a 63C10 (tracked veh. mechanic) assigned to H.H.C. maint. platoon. We were at that time, Headquarters & Headquarters Company, Combat Support Company, A, B, C, companies. My company commander was Bryan Lobdell, and our 1st Sgt. was Anastacio Gomez. Our battalion commander was Lt. Col. Deihl. And I also remember that our division commanding General was George S. Patton Jr. early on, then General Vickery as I recall. We had our barracks a few blocks from the 2nd. A.D. water tower at east Ft. Hood before deploying to Germany, then we took over the vacant 2/50 barracks when we got back to Ft. Hood again that were closer to the 1st. Cav. side of the base and main post.

Just want to say thanks to all you guys and gals that served to keep us all safe. A special thanks to the creators of this website. I know that most of the members here served before my time, but I was in the 1/50 not long after and would like to pay tribute to those I served with. Some of those are:

Timothy Kinnard (maint. platoon SGT), Miami, FL.
Lance Croom (maint. platoon), Riverside, CA.
Timothy Mikolaitis (commo platoon), Atlanta, GA.
Alan Hassett (maint. platoon), Long Island, NY.
Larry Moore (maint. platoon), Provo, UT.
Jerry Webster (maint. platoon), Southern Indiana/Northern Kentucky
Bruce Avery (maint. platoon), Hammond, Indiana
John "Smitty" Smith (maint. platoon), Los Angeles, CA.
Tim Coleman (support platoon), St. Louis, MO.

...and everybody else who's names I have forgotten...

It was a pleasure to serve with you guys, grow up with you guys, learn from you guys, and drank a LOT of beer with you guys! LOL. I hope you are all doing well in your lives after getting out of the Army. Say hello if you read this.

Brian Magana E-4
H.H.C. 1st. Bat. (M) 50th. Inf. 2nd. A.D.
Maintenance platoon, tracked vehicle mechanic, motor pool
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Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:48 pm

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