Thurman Olan Pike's Memorial

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Thurman Olan Pike's Memorial

Postby DickG » Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:07 pm

A number of you have asked about the date and location of Thurman's Memorial.
His ashes are going to a Veteran's cemetery in Raleigh.
Martha is waiting for them to give her the date and time. I'll post it as soon as she's able to get it.
Thurman was the first of Martha's siblings to pass. Her older sister is also in Hospice care right now. She has her hands full.
Meanwhile, you can visit Thurman's (Thurman Olan Pike) Facebook page. There, you can and see a number of stirring tributes to his memory, contribute your own.
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Re: Thurman Olan Pike's Memorial

Postby RJ_Smith » Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:41 pm

Hi everyone - here is a link to a memorial page for Olan at Facebook:

May he rest in peace. I'm saddened we won't be seeing him in Georgia this year.
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