Missing Manuals

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Missing Manuals

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon May 02, 2016 2:42 pm

Today I received a request from our former Battalion Commander for details on the marking for our APCs.

I already am familiar with these markings (Please don't write and tell me about the markings...I am already familiar with them)...and how they evolved through our tour, but remembered that I have a loose-leaf notebook with several rare manuals as well as a softcover book about the M113. SInce I am now very familiar with the books I have in my personal library...I knew these were not located there. I assumed they would be packed away with the several large cases of items I display at Reunions. A search just now of these contained revealed the sad news that these items are missing.

Since I have somewhat consolidated all our archives, I am 99% sure the items are missing, but will wait until the next reunion when I totally "un-pack" to see if they may be hidden away somewhere.

If they are not found, I will have little choice but to institute more secure methods in the opening of our archives room at reunions. I will no longer open the room unless I can be present. If I am called upon to leave the room, I will be forced to ask anyone in the room to leave so I can lock up.

I still hold out hope that they are with my packed away items, although I have searched thoroughly...twice.

If you borrowed these and forgot to return them at the close of the last reunion..please let me know. I am hoping it could have been an honest mistake. I will not reveal your identity to save you embarrassment.

These manuals were obtained at the expense of our membership at rather reasonable prices about 6 years ago. To try to replace them now, even if I could remember the exact manual numbers...would be extremely expensive.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Missing Manuals

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Feb 10, 2017 2:20 pm

I have good news...

As I mentioned in the original post about these missing manuals...Although I had thoroughly searched our archives containers for these items, they were not there. I could only hope that I had simply not seen them somewhere within one of the containers, some of which are full of misc items. I knew I would have to wait for the next reunion to pull everything out and put it all on display. Still, the prospect that someone might have stolen these was daunting at the very least.

I was sitting here at my desk wondering about them again today as I am heavily "into" preparations for our next gathering in May. As you know, I have placed quite a few documents in loose leaf notebooks. Our General Orders, the collections of material covering our major battles, and other miscellaneous documentation that displays better in a notebook format as opposed to being stuck in a file.

Today I was looking for something in one of these binders and spotted a loose-leaf with all those missing manuals! The "lost" manuals were sitting literally 2 or 3 feet from my thick head all this time!

Of course I am relieved, although somewhat embarrassed!
See you all in May...WITH the manuals for the M113!
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Jim Sheppard
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