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Postby rigo-ordaz » Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:05 pm

Just for your information. There are corrections in the TAPS page

Ray Barrios Pehaps was in A company at first, But he was in Delta 4th platoon when I was there. He. was on track 443.

Lt. Robert White was also in Delta later in Scouts. Initially he was in A company.
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Postby wfm7 » Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:56 pm

And as you're well aware of numerous photos from various B co troops place the medic track #443 with B co. So your man was either on another track in D co or he was with B co while I was there. There's No Action Needed - Just don't make dogmatic statements you know are controversial thinking that if no one challenges it, it now becomes fact. You have your OPINION and you're entitled to it, but for me its just your opinion with no facts except Rigo wants it to be a fact.
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Postby rigo-ordaz » Tue Mar 25, 2014 1:12 pm

It is a fact that Delta Co. got personnel from all the other companies as well as APCs. I do remember a track #443 in Delta Co. with the cross painted over at one time. The #443 driver Don Kochniarczyk communicated to me that Ray Barrios was in that track in Delta,s 4th Pltn. It is not only my opinión. Theres a possibility that two tracks could have the same number. I know there were two APCs with the # 403.
As for Lt. White he was my plt. leader at one time. No I don,t try to impose my opinions on others, and I welcome other opinions as long as they are not prejudiced personal attacks.
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