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Postby Randy Smith » Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:21 pm

Some of you are probably on your way to the reunion now and some like me will make the trip tomorrow. I am again really looking forward to being together. May we all enjoy safety in travel and trouble free motoring or flying. See you all soon and I will introduce you to my two sons R.J. and Adam. Later brothers, Randy "DOC" Smith.
Randy Smith
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Re: reunion

Postby George Borges » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:33 pm

Hi Randy, see you and your boy's tomorro , George SAFE TRIP.
George Borges
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Re: reunion

Postby harley hawkins » Sat May 02, 2015 9:52 am

Made it home from the reunion . What a great time .I do not know how they do it. Each reunion just gets better and next reunion with the 1st and 50th 100th year should be better yet .Two years and counting.

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: reunion

Postby pt9243 » Sat May 02, 2015 8:14 pm

Disappointed I couldn't say farewells to everyone as Marie and I left early Friday. Eleven hours later we were pulling into our driveway. As soon as we crossed the Sabine River from Louisiana it just felt different - 'felt like Texas', as they say. We had a wonderful time and nothing like seeing old warhorses who speak the same language. The entire program was nothing short of awesome. The armored museum was especially interesting. Don't know about you guys but in two years I'll be 70 years old and already looking forward to 2017. God willing, we'll see y'all again. In the meantime I wish all my 1/50 brothers good health and good luck.

Pete Tovar
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Re: reunion

Postby Randy Smith » Sun May 03, 2015 3:49 pm

What a wonderful time. The men on the reunion committee hit it out of the ball park again. We owe them many thanks for their efforts. And how about Jim Sheppard, his room this year was complete with Victor Charlie and when I came around the corner face to face with that little feller in the black pajamas holding his AK-47 I instinctively reached for my shoulder holstered .45 which wasn't there. Good thing, I might have shot up the hotel hallway. :D

I had the pleasure of having my two sons with me this year and they enjoyed the reunion greatly. I drove down from Indiana and Adam drove back as my week didn't leave much time for sleeping and I was exhausted but rejuvenated at the same time. How can that happen? :?

Glad Pete and Mick made it home safely. I hope everyone did. Yes Pete, GOD willing I will also be there again in two years. As Mick stated 2017 will be the 100th year since the 1/50th was formed as a unit. It will also be the 50th year since the unit deployed to Viet Nam and the 20th year that we have been having reunions for the battalion. Now with all these stars lining up so to speak, everyone should do their very best to attend the 2017 reunion. We had several first time attendees this time and to a man they all pledged to be back in 2017 all declaring what a great time they had.

Tom and Dian Clark talked of maybe getting together a group of people interested in going on a cruise during the off year (2016) and Bob Gold talked of hosting an Ohio chickenfest also during the off year. Watch the message board and if things develop we could learn about it here.

For those of you who couldn't make it, you missed a great reunion. So start now making your plans for the next one. We have two years to get ready and it will be about this time of year again with notification coming on the web-site early enough to be specific on the dates. May GOD watch over and care for all my brothers till we meet again.

Randy "DOC" Smith
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Re: reunion

Postby Talmadgecain » Sun May 03, 2015 9:13 pm

I had an absolutely great time. Saw so many I did know, many I did not know. Talked myself out. Got home totally exhausted.
See yall next time

Talmadge Cain

Sorry I did not donate the 50-50 back but you know how it is
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Re: reunion

Postby Randy Smith » Fri May 08, 2015 1:15 pm

Don't be sorry about not donating the 50/50 back because as those of us that were there know that it was not an option. For those who were not there, it was announced before the drawing that the winner's half could not be donated back and would not be excepted if offered. So don't be sorry Talmadge but if it will make you feel better, I'll let you buy me a cold one next reunion :lol: Randy
Randy Smith
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