James "Doc" Fitzgerald R.I.P.

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James "Doc" Fitzgerald R.I.P.

Postby bongson » Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:59 pm

James "Doc" Fitzgerald passed away peacefully at 1:35 this afternoon surrounded by loving family and friends. His oxygen plug was disconnected, he took a couple breaths, and died in a couple minutes.
Funeral plans are pending.
Coren has asked that we not call for a couple days , so she can get some rest.
He was my oldest and dearest friend from Vietnam, the first guy I "hooked-up" with from 1/50th after over twenty years, and unbeknown to him the one guy responsible for OJT for all the new guys in 1st.Plt. after May 5th. He is my hero; he taught me how to stay alive.
We would end each phone conversation with "Take care of yourself, I love you buddy". The only man beside my father and brothers I've ever said that to.

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Re: James "Doc" Fitzgerald R.I.P.

Postby pcfrmr » Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:22 pm

:cry: Farewell, James. Thank you for what you did for me. I love you, my brother.
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Re: James "Doc" Fitzgerald R.I.P.

Postby harley hawkins » Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:25 am

So sorry to hear. James was such a great guy. James you RIP brother .

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: James "Doc" Fitzgerald R.I.P.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:03 am

I will always remember this event at our 2011 reunion:

James Fitzgerald's battles are over.

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Re: James "Doc" Fitzgerald R.I.P.

Postby Randy Smith » Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:57 am

So sorry to hear about James. I had been staying with my father for a while and had no access to the board and hadn't heard of his crisis until lately. James may your canteen always be cool, your p-38 never dull, and may you live in that great place with no mosquitoes or leeches. God bless and keep you.
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Re: James "Doc" Fitzgerald R.I.P.

Postby Fitzgerald's Daughter » Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:40 am

Hello everyone,

My dad passed away in peace yesterday after the doctors determined he could not fight anymore. Dad was so frustrated early last week with the breathing tube, because it was hard for him to communicate, but he was lucid and firm in some things. The first was he was going to fight as long as he could. Another was how much you guys meant to him. He wanted y'all to know his condition and was brightened by your calls and messages.

I know over the years having the men he served with to talk to was really important to dad. He would share stories with me and was so proud of posting his story on this site. I wanted to thank each and everyone of you for serving and being a support system to my dad. As much as I wanted to, I know I could never understand the way someone who was there could. You were each a huge blessing.

I am making arrangements for dad and will keep you all posted. I feel overwhelmed with deciding what dad would want and how to make these things happen for him. I don't know how to loose my dad; he was always a rock there for me. I already have had moments of seeing something I wanted to share with dad and wanted to call him. I miss him so much. I will keep you all posted.


Letha Oppman
Last edited by Fitzgerald's Daughter on Sun Oct 11, 2015 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: James "Doc" Fitzgerald R.I.P.

Postby snodinak » Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:55 pm

James Fitzgerald became a HUGE part of my life when we first met back in (I believe) 2005. I had posted on the internet that I was searching for someone or anyone who knew my brother Donald E Lowe, who was killed in action on 5May1968. I received a response, phone number, and a picture through the USPS from James. I called him and we talked for hours on the phone. We became like brothers; him taking the place of my own brother Donald, as we talked about everything they had gone through, their time together and how Don, Robert Allen, and James were like the Three Amigos. We talked about that final day on May 5th that seemed to plague James since it happened thirty plus years before. James and I began talking about him writing "His Story" about that dreadful date and after awhile he began. Today it is posted in War Stories and I thank God today that he did, because it brought life to a death we had both struggled through.

I was able to come visit James at thee different occasions; we went to the Wall together, I introduced him to my son named in honor of my brother Donald, and even celebrated one of my grandson's graduation (who now proudly serves in the US Army). I tried to get him to visit me in Alaska, but he did not like airplanes and so we never got to cast a fishing line together or experience Alaska's beauty side by side. We became like brothers; he became the brother I lost many years before. The best day we shared together was at the dedication of the Donald E Lowe training field in 2013 at Ft Benning GA. This is also the day I was introduced to Koren.

I don't believe I saw true joy come into his life until he met Koren. She seemed to bring back the energy and love for life he once had so many years before we had met, that I only knew about in talking, but never experienced with him. He had contacted me and told me all about her during their first meetings and as they grew together as best friends. I was delighted to be able to put a face to a story, a true "love story" when he introduced me to Koren.

My heart goes out to all who knew and loved James, his family, his friends, but mostly to Koren who (in her words) has lost "my sweetheart and best friend", the love of her life. James came into her life and he was again able to guide, protect and love another person who needed him just as much as he needed her. I know James in is a better place today, but he leaves behind many who will miss him dearly. May God comfort each and every one of you as you each experience your loss of a great and wonderful person; a man who showed his love to so many in so many ways.

You are truly missed brother, Bill Lowe
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