2017 Reunion

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2017 Reunion

Postby gquint113 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:22 pm

Just a few notes about the upcoming reunion that will make mine and the Reunion commitees life a bit easier.

As calculations on transportation, meals and shirt sizes need to be ordered about six weeks in advance of the event it would be of great assistance if yaw'll could register as early as possible. If you don't register in advance and just show up, that really throws a knot in the mix.

Additionally; For those of US who live in Minnesota, Missouri and Washington State, your drivers licence will not be accepted as sole means of ID for entry into Ft. Benning. We will need some form of Federally accepted suplemental ID such as a Passport, Passport Card or VA Medical Card. If you plan on riding the buses to and fro this will not be an issue. If you plan on using your own private to access the base or are in a private vehicle driven by someone else, you will need to make arrangements to obtain an aceptable ID.

Thanx !!!
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Re: 2017 Reunion

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:24 pm

If you would like to keep track of who has registered for the reunion...as well as who we can expect in the way of family and friends of our men killed in action...you can periodically check the Reunions Page...in the section for the 2017 reunion...simply click on the small image with the caption "See Attendees". Or follow this link: http://www.ichiban1.org/pdf/Reunion2017Attendees.pdf

Those of you from D Company (1967-8) should know that the niece of LT Sodowsky has notified us she will attend with her husband (Who is also a Vietnam Veteran)

Those of you from A Company (1967-8) should know that 8 people from the Tedena Family (SSG Esteban Tadena)...including his daughter and sister...will also attend.

I know we have quite a few members who knew these soldiers personally. It will be priceless to these folks to talk to the men who knew their loved ones.

I will be in touch with both families with details. We are going to suggest that they ride with us on the buses for the activities of Thursday Morning, May 4th, which will include the wreathe laying ceremony.
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Re: 2017 Reunion

Postby pt9243 » Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:44 pm

Remember Sodowsky well. Think he replaced Dennis Driscoll after Dennis was wounded in an earlier firefight. My memory of Tam Quan is pretty shot but I was the medic with the Delta 2nd platoon and on December 10 the platoons seemed to overlap due to heavy in coming fire, a bit of confusion, and track drivers trying to reposition for better effectiveness. I hope to visit with his niece.
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Re: 2017 Reunion

Postby RJ_Smith » Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:53 pm

Dad (Randy Smith) and I will be there too - we have our hotel reservation, I need to remind Dad to send in the registration :)
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Re: 2017 Reunion

Postby mick hawkins » Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:42 pm

RJ Great to hear you and the old man are coming to the reunion . Hope we have a good turn out thinking we will. I have talked to Nicky and Lynn James (cousins of James Earl Wright) They said they was coming and I have talked to Chuck Ogle ( Chopper went down March 9th 1968 ) he said he was coming I'm sure Jim Sheppard will be sending them a letter and everyone on his list of others. I have talked to Danny Scott he said he was coming but says that every year we have one and has only came to one. D company always has a good showing of medics Randy Smith, Pete Tovar, Russ Roth and Robert Melendez . I shouldn't be using names now feel I should use everyone and fear I will forget someone. Here goes Randy help me out if I forget someone. Noel Allen and Dennis Driscoll usually comes I think they will hope so. Parker Pierce will be there we hope and so will Bob Gold. Talked to Bob sometime ago he said he'd be there. George Borges and our buddy Tom is coming as will as Louis Frisbie last reunion I meet him on the road. Rick Roschy didn't come last time haven't heard from him hope he is ok. Willie Jones should make a stop by and Hope Gary Miller makes it. Larry Curtis my buddy will be there if we can get him out of his new home. Know any 150 guys or gals drop them a note or call . If I forgot any D company guys it is Randy Smiths fault .

Take Care and see you in May.

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: 2017 Reunion

Postby Russ Roth » Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:56 pm

Of course we know it's Randy's fault. Always is isn't it??? :D Glad to hear Chuck Ogle is coming. Really enjoyed chatting with him. I have talked with most of D company guys you listed in the last couple of months and most seem to be planning to attend. I have contact with Tom Ramey (3/18/'68) sister and also Tom Herkins (8/24/'68) sister. Both seem interested in attending but we shall see. David Jones is going to try and stop by and I think Gary Miller said he was coming. Talked to several others and most seem at least interested in attending. I did call Steve Lemly in Cottage Grove, OR who was 11B and came in with me but went to Charlie. Also quite interested in showing up for the shindig but once again we shall see what transpires. Louis and Larry both said they planned to show. Also got a hold of Martin Davies (WIA 3/17/'68) who lives far southeastern OR. Have visited him maybe 3x over the years. Told him since my brother is retired we will probably take a trip around the NW and maybe stop and visit. He said we were welcome but if we plan to stay long better bring work clothes! :bang: Won't come to the reunion. Lowell Miller is going to try to come. Gotta call him again. My brother and wife are coming so Danny Scott HAS to come. Bruce still talks about you and Danny and how much he enjoyed your stories. I told him that's all they were, just stories. :?

Looking forward to seeing everyone again and hope we have best turnout yet!!! 8-)
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Re: 2017 Reunion

Postby gquint113 » Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:08 pm

The States of Kentucky,Maine,Montana,Pennsylvania and South Carolina have been added to the list of states that driver's licences will not be accepted as sole means of ID to enter Ft. Benning.
Those of us from these states will need to have an alternate form of federally accepted ID to enter the base by POV. You can veiw the list of acceptable IDs on the Ft. Benning web page (search; Gate Information). I have obtained a US Passport Card.
AGAIN: If you ride the buses to and fro this will NOT be an issue...

NOTE: Minnesota and Washington State now issue an "Enhanced License" that IS accepted... those from those states can upgrade to the enhanced license at your local DMV if you haven't already done so.

Looking forward to seeing you all come May..

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