Prostate PSA rise

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Prostate PSA rise

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:40 pm

Just had a consultation with a new VA Doctor here in NJ. I am impressed by my new doctor...who tested yesterday for my PSA level. In less than 24 hours, she messaged me that my number had increased from 3 to 4 since last tested a year ago. This is a "red flag" and I will consult with my civilian Urologist for a recommendation on what happens next.

I would hope that you ALL are monitoring this PSA number...either through the VA's routine periodic blood work, or your private sector physician...whichever choice fits you. Early detection of Prostate cancer is critical in reducing your risk of severe consequences.

I am not alarmed at present, since this number needs to be rechecked...and is still low. It is the percentage of rise in a year that is not "due diligence is definitely called for.

As you should know, we Vietnam Veterans are at more higher risk of Prostate Cancer due to Agent Orange Exposure. Simply having been in Vietnam is sufficient exposure for problems to arise. I have documentation on Spraying that was done at LZ Uplift in May of 1968...if anyone would like a copy, contact me through my personal email.
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Re: Prostate PSA rise

Postby Russ Roth » Wed Dec 06, 2017 6:29 pm

To add more to what Jim posted from personal experience. My PSA jumped over a period of several years and was nearly 20. Three biopsies/48 different tissue samples, all negative. Not cancer or pre-cancerous. My original private insurance Doc retired so had another. I could see the shock on her face when when she read the results. She tells me she is not at all comfortable (thankfully) with this and wants to do more tests which were bone and lymph node scans. Bone was good but 3 lymph nodes were swollen. A tissue sample of the largest node came back positive and she says this would only really come from the prostate. I believe the first time my PSA passed the threshold I had the cancer growing but could not be found with the normal biopsy. I have heard recently there is another method that is helpful in diagnosing but I don't know what it is is. I would suggest if you go down this road in a similar manner do the normal biopsy when your Doc says to. If it continues to rise the next test I would insist on more tests similar to what I had done. Actually I would demand it. Hope this is helpful to some as it seems your options are more limited once the dragon has jumped ship.
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Re: Prostate PSA rise

Postby bbontemps » Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:11 pm

Thanks for the info, Jim. Your post made me go look at my last exam from my private doc. Fortunately my PSA value was (.16). Hopefully a lot more of our brothers will check their readings and be more watchful during future tests.

Jim and Russ, you take care.

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Re: Prostate PSA rise

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Dec 30, 2017 3:10 pm

I visited a civilian Urologist (Penn Medicine, Philadelphia, PA). He advised that although my number rose during the year...the number itself, as it is now, is about where it should be for my age. So no further action needed at this time. I coordinated this diagnosis with my VA Dr. We will keep an eye on the PSA number ...retesting in May. Going forward, we will be checking my PSA every 6 months.
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Re: Prostate PSA rise

Postby Lou Frisbie » Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:20 pm

This is what my Urologist recommended it took about two hours
Its called Urolift. My testing was always good But I had enlarge problem
There is no cutting I had it done two weeks ago and it changed things for the better.
This procedure is pretty new It can be researched on internet

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Re: Prostate PSA rise

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun May 20, 2018 12:40 pm

I have an update on my ongoing Prostate "Issues".

Last fall, I had a consultation with a civilian Urologist who suggested we wait to see if the PSA results continued to rise. My VA doctor....who, coincidentally is a very good doctor...checked my PSA number and this time there was no rise...but she was not happy with that and suggested a secondary test for "Free PSA" which I had not heard of before. Apparently, this number should be above 50%. Testing this past week revealed my Free PSA to be at 15.9%! Which is not good. She is consulting with my private sector Urologist about the results and will get back to me.

I think this secondary test may be what Russ Roth alluded to in a previous comment in this thread. If I am called in to discuss a future course of action...possibly a biopsy...I will carry with me Russ's experiences with lymph node testing for them to consider and advise me.

I am not too overly concerned...since if detected...cancer would be in a very early stage...and recovery prognosis would be very good.

I will keep you all posted.

Jim Sheppard
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Re: Prostate PSA rise

Postby Russ Roth » Sun May 20, 2018 6:22 pm

Hope all goes well Jim.
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Re: Prostate PSA rise

Postby Ernie Milito » Mon May 21, 2018 6:12 pm

Could you send me a copy of the information please.
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Re: Prostate PSA rise

Postby Ernie Milito » Mon May 21, 2018 6:14 pm

My e-mail

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Re: Prostate PSA rise

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed May 23, 2018 2:08 am


Not sure what you mean? A copy of what information?

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