May 5 memorial dinner

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May 5 memorial dinner

Postby gquint113 » Wed May 01, 2019 7:36 pm

In view of the close proximity of May 5 to our reunion dates, all those who nomally gather on May 5 for a luncheon in rememberance of those 22 lives lost in 1968, are invited to gather for dinner on May 14 at Hunters Pub at exit 25 on I-185 outside Columbus , Georgia.

Lets get a good turnout!

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Re: May 5 memorial dinner

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun May 05, 2019 2:41 pm

For the "Un-initiated"...Hunters Pub is rather say the least. It is a cinderblock building with no sign. You might think it is someone's converted garage! The food is really exceptional. The owners also have an upscale version in Columbus, but those of us who visit the original every time we gather prefer the country location. If you are travelling South on 185...get off at exit 25 and turn right at the base of the ramp. If you are travelling North on 185 from the Fort Benning Area...use exit 25 and turn left at the base of the ramp. Hunters Pub will be on your left at the first intersection...about a tenth of a mile from 185.

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