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Postby james » Thu Jun 25, 2009 10:13 pm

jIM Sheppard: I received a email from Kathy Quin Esposito whose brother told her about my story in the war story section. She was a child hood friend of Robert and his sister Linda. She said she hasn't talked to Linda for 5or 6 years but will try to get in touch with her. Could you please email her for me thanking her for her email to me and explain to her that I can't reply to emails sent to my email address. You can give her my phone number if she would like it. I would be glad to talk about Robert to any of them. Thank you Jim I will see you at thwe reunion. James out.
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Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:54 pm

I will take care of sending out that message for you. Coincedently, I talked to another childhood friend of Allen's last week...Charley Severino went to High School with Allen and is going to try to get me a couple of digital photos from the high school year book. I told him that if he has problems getting the photos...I would be willing to drive up and help. (He's in Northern New Jesrey...about 100 miles from me). I'll send you his phone number in an e-mail. Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion.
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Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:10 pm


I learned today that Bob Allen's Sister Linda passed away 2 years ago. This would explain why we have been unable to find her.

Charley Severino is going to get me contact information on her son.

I also plan to travel to North Jersey this week and take photographs of Charluey's Year Book photos of Bob we will finally have his photo!

Jim Sheppard
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Jim Sheppard
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