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Association of the 1st Battalion, 50th Infantry (Mechanized) Site Updates - 2022 to current date

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This page is designed to be a "quick reference" page of work done on our Web Site. Visit this page often to check on the latest additions and corrections to the site. Please visit the Members Email page and check your email and unit  affiliation information. If changes, additions or deletions are warranted, please contact Association Historian Jim Sheppard.  Also, feel free to contact him with comments and/or suggestions.

July 13, 2024

Added Story of  Randy Smith, Combat Medic, written by Ron Fischer to the War Stories page.

May 11, 2024

Added April, 2024 Newsletter to the Newsletters page.

May 10, 2024

Posted obituaries for Aaron Gage, Jim Hale and August (Gus) E. Etteldorf on our Obituaries page.

February 28, 2024

Updated email address for George Bell, "A" Company 68-69 on the E-mail Directory page.

February 18, 2024

Updated email address for Harry Wilson on the E-mail Directory page. Added Marvin James to the Life Members page. Marvin served as a Motor Vehicle Mechanic with Company "A" at Fort Hood, Texas from 1974 to 1977. Also Posted obituaries for Paul Ehrlich, Tom Clark, Richard Schramke, Billy Hayes and added information to Richard Ramey's existing Obituary on our Obituaries page.

January 19, 2024

Added December, 2023 Newsletter to the Newsletters page. (Working on a half dozen obituaries).

September 30, 2023

Addeded email address for Clyde Spivey, Charlie Company, 1968-1969, on the E-mail Directory page.

September 9, 2023

Updated email address for John Smith on the E-mail Directory page.

August 27, 2023

Finally finished the photo album page for our recent 2023 Reunion on the Reunions page.

August 14, 2023

Posted obituaries for Dean Spooner (Company C), James Allen (Companies A and D), Bob Schaller (Company B), Bill Moore (Company B), Jerry Mize (SRAP Platoon) and Craig Reed (Medic) on our Obituaries page.

August 12, 2023

Added August, 2023 Newsletter to the Newsletters page.

May 5, 2023

Added Katie Ramey and Julian Kemper to the Life Members page.

May 2, 2023

Updated email address for Eddie Geer on the E-mail Directory page.

April 2, 2023

Added April, 2023 Newsletter to the Newsletters page.

February 3, 2023

Added Chris Ullman, Charlie Company and SRAP Platoon, 1968-69 to the E-mail Directory page.

January 1, 2023

Beginning this year (2023)...given the small number of updates to the website in the last few years...we will no longer create a new page every year. All future update will be found on this one page that began in 2022.

December 28, 2022

Added new information on our next reunion as well as information on last year's Change of Command at the 1st Bn, 50th Inf on the Reunions page. A downloadable Reunion Registration form for the upcoming 2023 reunion is now available.

December 15, 2022

Added December, 2022 Newsletter to the Newsletters page.

September 1, 2022

Added a new photo to Duane Quello's Photo Album Page.

August 30, 2022

Posted photo of Gravestone for Johnnie Marvin Ayers, 173rd Airborne Brigade Engineer who died while voluntarily accompanying Company A on a minesweep operation on January 17, 1969.

August 14, 2022

Posted obituaries for Jack Brodigan (Company B) and Jay Copley (Company C) on our Obituaries page. Added August, 2022 Newsletter to the Newsletters page.

August 13, 2022

Added Chris Lewis to the Association Officers page. Chris has been named Honorary Sergeant Major of the 50th Infantry Regiment, replacing Jay Copley who has passed away.

April 3, 2022

Added April, 2022 Newsletter to the Newsletters page.

March 7, 2022

Postedan obituaries for Walter "Happy" Gilbreath and Waylon Morris on our Obituaries page.

January 27, 2022

Posted an obituary for Lem "Buck" Buckley on our Obituaries page.Buck served with Alpha Company from November, 1968 to January, 1970.

January 1, 2022

Happy New Year to all! I have loaded this new "site updates" page for 2022 and archived the 20210 updates to the "Site Map" page. If you are a newcomer to our Association website, you can browse the "Site Updates" from previous years to have an encapsulated view of happenings over the years. Aside from these updates, I highly recommend our Photo Album pages, Reunion pages, our War Stories pages and our "In Memorium" pages, which contain informative memorial pages for all the men killed in action while assigned or otherwise associated with the 50th Infantry Regiment in Vietnam. If you are not a member of our Association, we would encourage your serious consideration.  Although preferred, membership is not required for attendance at our each reunion funds itself.

2021 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2021

2020 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2020

2019 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2019

2018 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2018

2017 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2017

2016 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2016

2015 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2015

2014 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2014

2013 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2013

2012 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2012

2011 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2011

2010 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2010

2009 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2009

2008 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2008

2007 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2007

2006 Archive

Archive of the "Site Updates" from the year 2006