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Books about the Vietnam War

Films and Videos about the Vietnam War

Isn't It Ironic?

Wanted Posters

Poetry in War

Nam-era Music

Nam-era Art

Photo Gallery

Chaplain's Corner

Rest & Recuperation

War Memorabilia

Vietnam Era Sports Highlites

Vietnam Era Trivial Pursuit

So what is "stand-down" about?

Stand-down was a term used when a unit basically stopped all operational activities except security to have a period of rest and refitting. Often it was nothing more than a day or so in the rear, where tired grunts could take a shower, change clothes, catch a few z's, and so on before heading back out to the field.

The same question applies to us now as it did then, "What do YOU want to do during stand-down?" Your ideas for this section are most welcome; just email the Website Committee.

Official 1st Bn, 50th Infantry Association Jokebook

This section contains jokes, cartoons, and other manifestations of humor officially approved by your Association. To become a published author, please forward your favorite jokes or cartoons to Official 1st Bn, 50th Infantry Association Jokebook.

Reviews of Books about the Vietnam War

There are now hundreds of books about our war, so we want to help you sort through them with these book reviews. Thanks to Doc Melendez for publishing the first book reviews in the newsletter. To get your own published, email them to Vietnam War Book Reviews.

Reviews of Films and Videos about the Vietnam War

If you're looking for "a few good films", we review some popular films as well as some no one ever heard of. We need your help. To publish your reviews, email them to Vietnam War Film Reviews.

1st Bn, 50th Infantry Ironies and Paradoxes

Reader's Digest has "Life's Like That", "Humor in Uniform" and numerous other sections.. We don't, all we have are ironies... you know, the "things that make you go 'hmm'". To publish yours, send them by email to 1/50(M) Ironies and Paradoxes.

Wanted Posters, 1st Bn, 50th Infantry

Is there someone from the 1/50th in Vietnam you've lost touch with? Does the name of an old buddy in a photograph escape you? We are pleased to offer yet another means of searching. Just email Wanted with details of your search, and we'll try to help where we can.

Poetry in War, War in Poetry

Jon Stallworthy introduces hisOxford Book of War Poetry (1984) by saying, "'Poetry', Wordsworth reminds us, 'is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings', and there can be no area of human experience that has generated a wider range of powerful feelings than war: hope and fear; exhilaration and humiliation; hatred ... not only for the enemy, but also for generals, politicians, and war-profiteers; love ... for fellow soldiers, for women and children left behind, for country (often) and cause (occasionally)."

This section is available for the poetry of any 1/50 veteran, family member or friend which deals with the subject of war, and in particular with the Vietnam War and its aftermath.

Please email submissions to 1/50(M) War Poetry.

Good Morning, Vietnam! Nam-era Top 10 Hits!

The scroll on the green and white ribbon says 1960-1975, and that pretty much covers the period where rock & roll came truly alive, and where the music scene blossomed in so many genres. Here are the Top 10 hits from each year.

Original Lyrics: The Wannabe Rap! Original Music:

The 1st Bn, 50th Infantry Association Art Gallery

This section is reserved for sketches, water colors, oil paintings, sand paintings, tee-shirts, hot rod flames, or any other form of artwork submitted by our fellow Ichibaners.

Photo Gallery, 1st Bn, 50th Infantry

When completed, this section will show thumbnails of each contributors photo collection, whether posted elsewhere on the site or not. It's the webmaster's way of saying "Thank you" to the many who contribute photographs to the website.

1st Bn, 50th Infantry Chaplain's Corner

The first Army chaplain in Vietnam arrived in 1962, when U.S troops numbered some 3,000. The numbers of serving chaplains roughly kept pace with the troop levels; peaking at over 300 chaplains in the field in 1967.

While ministry to the troops was their overriding concern, they also aided the Vietnamese people in many ways, including mobilizing clothing, food and money for schools, orphanages, medical facilities and the like. Thanks to the helicopter, chaplains could visit the far-flung reaches of their parishes; with portable field kits, they could set up and conduct services wherever needed.

Throughout the war, many chaplains shared the dangers and discomforts with the troops, while providing spiritual and emotional support and aiding the sick, wounded and dying. Rabbi Meir Engel, who died of a heart attack in 1964, was the first U.S. Army chaplain to die in the Vietnam War. In 1966, William J. Barragy was the first chaplain to fall in combat. In all, thirteen U.S. Army chaplains (MOS 5310) died in Vietnam.

Time Out! R&R in Vietnam!

Time to relax and recreate (or rest and recuperate). A quick review of popular R&R destinations for 1/50(M) soldiers.

Memorabilia and Nostalgia!

SPECIAL RECIPE: S.O.S. (You asked for it, you got it!)

Build your own online scrapbook. Post photographs of your collectibles here.

Play the Games!

Now that we know where our cool motto "Play the Game" came from, I felt compelled to add some relevant games to the website. But because the Stand-down page was getting so long with so much input, we started the 1/50(M) Games Page by transferring over the old 1/50 Sports page, 1/50(M) Trivial Pursuit - Genius Edition!, and the games from the old Play the Game! section. And of course, we added a few more games as well. A few of the many fun games in the Play the Games page include:-

  • The1/50(M)Sports page. You can take the boy out of sports, but can you take sports out of the boy? A look at sports issues during our time in Nam.
  • 1/50(M) Trivial Pursuit - Genius Edition! Stump the experts! Facts and factoids about Nam. Sneak these cards into your home Trivial Pursuit game and never worry about losing to your kids again.
  • "Put the APC back together!" reminds us of a favorite past-time in Nam.
  • "The Hobbs Shuffle" is a fantastic card trick that will amaze you.
  • "I can read your mind" another fantastic card trick that will amaze you.

    More games will be added in the near future. Please contact Association Gaming Editor Ray Sarlin with your suggestions. Thanks.

Official 1st Bn, 50th Infantry Association Pinups

Now I've finally got your attention! Photos that got our attention back then seem pretty tame today, but at least your Association has your holistic welfare in mind by providing this wholesome section for your perusal. To become the next Hugh Hefner, please forward your favorite pinups to the Official 1st Bn, 50th Infantry Association Pinup Editor.

Until someone sends in something we can post, you can always go to the original source which you'll find at

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