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1. Co. E (Security), 50th Inf., USARV
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3. Vietnam Campaigns
4. Map of Da Nang

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Unit History, Company E (Rifle Security)
50th Infantry, USARV


Company E (Rifle Security), 50th Infantry
(30 June 1971 to 16 November 1972)

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Company E (Rifle Security), 50th Infantry

Company E was reactivated in Vietnam on 30 June 1971 as a rifle security company assigned to the U.S. Army Support Command in Da Nang (press HERE for a map of Da Nang.). It was inactivated on 16 November 1972.

Nelford Shannon Nichols, who served in E Company (Rifle Security), 50th Infantry as a Platoon Leader from July 1971 to January 1972, wrote a very interesting letter, inclosing a copy of his DD-214 as well as the photos on this page attesting to the unit being Company E, not Company F as the official records show.

HISTORIAN"S NOTE: Please refer to the Historian's Note on the Company "F" (Rifle Security) Page.  Apparently "E" Company was based at Camp Baxter (BT 058-735) and "F" Company was based at Camp Horn (BT 041789).  At one time, and because of the way the units are listed for the same time period in Shelby Stanton's "Vietnam Order of Battle", we believed both "E" and "F" existed simultaneously...but neither seemed to know of the other (This made no sense).  Shannon Nichols offered a "solution" that makes sense.  He suggests that the unit began as  "E" at Camp Baxter...then at some point in early 1972....stood down at Baxter and moved to Horn...where it became "F"!   Since both outfits guarded the same installations, it makes no sense for them both to have existed simultaneously...and remained ignorant of one another.

I served in Vietnam as a 1LT Infantry (MOS 1542 - Small Unit Tactical Commander/Platoon Leader) from Jul 1971 through Jan 1972. My first unit in Vietnam was what we called "Co E 50th Inf", but everyone else is CURRENTLY referring to as "Co F 50th Inf". I am attaching a couple scans so you can see that our pocket patch, tire cover, assignment summary, vehicle markings, etc ALL said Company "E" not "F". We were a rifle security company in DaNang East, based in Camp Baxter, assigned to USA-SUPCOM DaNang, reporting to the Provost Marshall (Major Butz). Our C.O. at that time was CPT Buder. We supplied security for the Marble Mountain P.D.O. Yard, a P.O.L. Dump, Camp Adenir, a Philco-Ford installation, Deep Water Pier, the China Beach P.X., a reefer yard, a beer & soda yard, Freedom Hill R&R Center, etc.... When I contacted the U.S. Army Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA they show the description of our unit as Co "F" as does your website.... but we knew ourselves as Company "E" 50th Inf. I reported this inaccuracy to the U.S.A.M.H.I. but they showed NO INTEREST in getting it right. The previous name of that security company was the "2nd Security Co, 1st LOG". (Corroborating information from Command Sergeant Major Fred Ybanez, U.S. Army Retired, received in March of 2009, confirms that for the period prior to the use of the designation: Company "E" Rifle Security, 50th Infantry...the unit was called 2nd Security Police Company...based at Camp Baxter)

I was re-assigned from Co E 50th Inf to the 572nd Transportation Co ("Gypsy Bandits"), 5 TC effective 6 Nov 71. For the remainder of my tour, I served as a Convoy Commander running long-haul from DaNang North (Camp Haskins) throughout the I Corps area mostly on QL1 - to Chu Lai (Americal) area in the South, up to Camp Eagle (101st) in the North. One other LT was transferred to 572nd with me, 1LT Wes Bartley (he was Air Defense Artillery). Another LT that was at Co E, 50th Infantry with me was 1LT William Kirn (I still have his current e-mail address). Bill had been with the 101st but was re-assigned to the 50th Infantry before he was sent home.

My question is this: Were we actually SUPPOSED to be Co. "E" or Co "F". Why is there confusion between the two ? My assignment sheet shows that the typewriter's "E" almost looks like an "F". Lastly, with all the confusion, would members of my Vietnam organization be considered members of the 1/50th ?

Thanks for any light that you may be able to shed.

N(elford) Shannon Nichols

E/50 Jeep Tire Cover

1LT Kirn (left) and 1LT Tallman

Plaque awarded to Shannon upon his transfer to 572nd Transportation Company.









Article on the 2d Security Company (Provisional) that appeared in the Northern LOG, published by the Logistics Command.

"This we'll defend!"
Photograph of East Da Nang
taken from the top of Monkey Mountain
(where the AFVN radio/tv station was located).
The near facility at in the picture may
be part of the Deep Water Pier.

Provided by Shannon Nichols.

More Photos from Shannon Nichols

(Click on thumbnail to enlarge. Press BACK to return to this page).

Enjoying a Phillipino show at Da Nang ("thundering thighs").

1LT Shannon Nichols carefully searches
a captured cake.

Lieutenants Wes Bartley and Bill Mays checking out one of the guard towers at Da Nang.

E Company troops boarding a CH-47 for an operation.

A guard talking before SFC Reid before heading out for guard duty.

Vietnamese workers passing through a Company E security checkpoint.

Marble Mountain

Camp Baxter.

PDO Yard looking west.

A China Beach sunset.

We are pleased to add this page for Company E (Rifle Security), 50th Infantry to our website.
We trust that all members of our Association will extend every courtesy to Shannon and our fellow "Play the Game" troopers of Company E. Welcome home!

Also...Visit our Company F (Rifle Security) webpage.

Unit Awards and Decorations (draft)

Headquarters, United States Army Vietnam/MAC Support Command:
US Army Vietnam, Meritorious Unit Commendation--15 May 72-28 Mar 73, DAGO 13, 74
US Army Vietnam, Headquarters and subordinate units:
RVN Gallantry Cross w/Palm--20 Jul 65-28 Mar 73, DAGO 8, 74
Headquarters & Headquarters Company, USA Support Command, Da Nang:
RVN Gallantry Cross w/Palm--1 Mar-9 Oct 71, DAGO 6, 74

Campaign Participation Credit

Vietnam War


Co. E (Rifle Security), 50th Inf.

Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase VII, 1 July 1970--30 June 1971.
Consolidation I, 1 July 1971--30 November 1971.
Consolidation II, 1 December 1971--29 March 1972.
Vietnam CEASE-FIRE, 30 March 1972--28 January 1973.

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